1. Could you tell us something about yourself and your project?

 My name is Adam Hayes. I am an artist-craftsman specializing in working in metal. I create pieces in iron, copper, brass and silver.

I started out as an artist blacksmith, making gates, railings, furniture and lighting from wrought iron. I used traditional blacksmith’s techniques and tools to make my work. First by drawing original designs and then cutting and forming the iron using fire, hammer and anvil.

More recently I have started making work on a much smaller scale – jewellery and small decorative objects for the home. My silver jewellery is designed by me and is made using very similar techniques as my ironwork – but with a much smaller hammer!

When I’m feeling inspired I also make sculpture. In my pieces, I blend metal with other materials such as stone, terracotta and glass. 

2. Your work is very interesting, but not something that can be made in a coworking office! Why come to a coworking space?

 Today an artist has to spend a lot of time in front of a computer. I maintain my own website (www.adamhayes.es), and so I have to edit photos of my work and write descriptions and blog posts. Also, social media is fundamental for an artist. Artists have a new opportunity to present our work directly to potential clients without the need for galleries or shops. Platforms like Facebook and Instagram allow us to directly market what we make to specific groups. Plus we get feedback from our audience on our work.

I can do most of these tasks (more or less!). I come to Anda as it’s much better to be doing these things in a place where the person sat next to you might be a web developer or digital marketeer.  You can always pick up tips or you can hire them to do the difficult stuff for you.  And in my case, I might even get to sell them a ring!

3. When did you join Anda Cowork?

I met Victoria, the owner of Anda Cowork in 2015 when we were both doing a web design course. She opened the space shortly afterwards, and I’ve been coming off and on ever since! 

4. What opinion did you have the first time you saw the space?

 I loved the look Victoria had created. The whole workspace is light and airy with a touch of industrial chic! It seemed to cover all the needs that a coworker might need – shared working areas, small and large meeting rooms, separate coffee area, etc, etc. I was impressed! 

5. What do you like most about working here?

 The space has a very calm, relaxed vibe. Just being surrounded by other people quietly getting on with their own thing is very inspiring. 

6. What are the advantages of having a workspace like Anda CoWork?

 For me, two big advantages come to mind. Firstly coming to a space likes this puts me in a “work mode” that I wouldn’t get at home. When I am here I am much more focused and productive in my work.

Secondly having people around is important. Just a quick chat over a coffee is enough to feel that you’re still connected to the world! Working from home is OK, but it can make you feel isolated. 

7. What message would you like to share with people who are considering working at a coworking?

It’s a great way to work. Come down to ANDA, chat to Victoria and the other coworkers and see for yourself!

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