1. Tell us a little about yourself and how Naíma TV started.

I am a 34 year old girl born in Granada. As a child I was quite shy and my mother signed me up for rhythmic gymnastics when I was 5 years old. I was practicing this sport until I was 13 and it was great for me to expose myself and improve myself in every competition.

Then I signed up for flamenco dancing and I loved it so I continued on that path and decided to enter the Conservatory of Dance to do the specialty of Flamenco Dance. I combined it with my career as a nurse, but always prioritizing my artistic training.

Naíma López TV started in my head three years ago. I was living in Australia, I felt that I was living a stage of much inner change due to all the decisions I was making at that time. I wanted to communicate, but I didn’t know clearly what to focus on or through which platform to do it. And I didn’t feel confident enough. Two years later, back in Spain, my life took a huge turn on a personal level and I decided to get down to work. I thought that YouTube was the platform where I would start and that I would do it by interviewing artists from my homeland.

2. What is the desire, the mission behind the project?

We are living a time full of uncertainty, in which many people have gone through and are going through a lot of fear; I think we need to transmit optimism, hope and light; through art in all its aspects it is possible to generate that in people and I wanted to tell and expose it. I try to make my videos serve as inspiration through people who dedicate their lives to open up to others, to touch people’s souls, so that this world makes more sense.

3. Do you think that art is given little visualization?

Yes, little visualization is given to anything that brings something constructive and hope in people’s hearts.

4. What do you take away from Naíma TV so far?

I take with me a huge learning experience and very good times. And the certainty of knowing that I can do whatever I want if I have the willingness and projects that go beyond myself.

5. What future plans do you have for this beautiful project?

I’m going to continue with the program “Interviews with Naíma”. I’m going to add more alternative content to that program but all related to art and its usefulness as a tool for personal growth. And I’m going to make it grow so that it reaches more and more people. I have a lot of work ahead of me but I feel very excited.

Thank you Naíma for telling us your story and making ANDA Cowork participate in this new adventure. We will follow very closely the new steps of your program.

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