Fourth Personal Growth and Development Workshop


What are your fears, the thoughts that hurt you, that make you feel insecure, what is it that you feel attached to, that makes you dependent, that oppresses your freedom, what is it that harms you in your life?

About the workshop
And you, if you were not afraid, what would you do?

You can’t move forward until you let go of everything that binds you, everything that slows you down or doesn’t let you move forward,
let it go.

‘When Little Red Riding Hood let go of her fears, she realised that the wolf was part of her’.

On the cycle
Do you want to take charge of your life, connect with your inner child, find your happiness, get rid of everything that anchors you, find where your path is going?
Look at yourself, love yourself, know yourself and create.

Through emotional intelligence techniques, personal coaching and psychology we are going to work with ourselves, to know ourselves, to know our emotions, how we are living our life, how we are with ourselves and with others, how to focus our life, to get what motivates us, to get rid of attachments and toxic things and to reach our happiness.

Everything will be done in an experiential way, through dynamics, visualisations, readings, relaxations… As well as having material support for each workshop. All the material will be given to you there.

Come on! There are only a few places available.
Ask for more information and register

Name: Alba Sanz Coaching
Phone: +34 615 27 40 53
General Admission: 20€.

  • Date : 7 de April de 2017
  • Time : 5:00 pm - 7:30 pm (Europe/Madrid)
  • Venue : Avenida Andalucia, 5, Granada, España

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