Happiness y Well Living Weekend at ANDA Cowork

With the slogan: Granada te queremos + FELIZ, Bonita ya eres, a movement has been born whose mission is to help the municipalities of the provinces to improve the quality of life, in particular, the mental and emotional health of their citizens.
First stop: GRANADA, Spain.
Did you know that Granada has the highest suicide rate in Spain among its young adult population? To combat this social problem, this weekend we have the first Happiness and Well-Living Weekend – celebrating family time, and activating mind, body, and spirit with workshops and talks, music, picnics, and surprises – we want to encourage a sense of belonging – giving back – with science-based activities.
This is about Love and Science! All our initiatives are based on principles of positive psychology and neuroscience to create higher levels of well-being.
When and where?
Within the framework of the 7th World Wellness Weekend, 16th and 17th September, 10-00-19.00 both days La DoLce Vitta Co. whose mission is to spread the science behind happiness, in collaboration with ANDA Cowork, will hold a unique and free event, at ANDA’s premises:
Avenida de Andalucia, 5, 18014-Granada, Spain.
In our networks all the other details
Talks-Workshops-Conscious Triathlon-Costume Picnic-Live Music-Art
Programme 16th September
Programme 17th September
Here you have the links for today’s programme Sunday 17th of September
02 Surprise Opening from 10 am – 11 am
03 Family Yoga from 11 am – 12.15 pm
04 Family Activities from 12.30 pm – 2 pm
05 Performance and co-interview with Pablo Martos, professional musician from Granada (violin), young entrepreneur, and music conservatory teacher 1.30 pm – 2 pm
06 Picnic and break
07 Talk: from writing a book to parenting + conscious parenting from 3.30 pm to 4 pm
08 Talk: Choose You from 4 pm to 5 pm
09 Talk – Workshop: Catch the good wave, emotional management 5 pm to 6 pm
10 Mindful Triathlon Activity: Mindfulness Meditation from 6 pm to 7.15 pm
We are waiting for you!