Talk: How to tell stories to tell your own story

Geek & Tech Girls will bring its January activity, in collaboration with AndaCowork who has lent its space, entitled ‘How to tell stories to tell yours’ by Miriam Millán.
Who is Miriam Millán, in her own words:
‘Hi, I’m a journalist, although my mother is still unsure what I do for a living because I no longer write for a newspaper or appear on TV. I make a living helping companies rely on creative communication to sell and grow. Because what you say matters, but also how you say it, and to whom you should say it.
Date and time of the event: January 25th, 2018 from 19.30 to 20.30
Address of the event: Avenida de Andalucía, 5, 18014 Granada
Capacity: limited to 27, registration on this form is essential to attend. Priority will be given to minority groups.
Description of the event: We all have something to tell but it is not always easy to do so.
Is it possible to transmit business information through stories? Yes, but first you need to put your ideas in order, choose your words and shape them without losing sight of the objectives you want to achieve. Let’s remember some guidelines that can help us to make storytelling a very valuable communication tool so that everyone understands and gets to know your digital product or service better.