Apart from many regular co-workers, we also have a lovely community of people who like to use Anda’s space to organise events and workshops in one of the meeting rooms.

In this blog, we would like to introduce you to one of them: Mindfulness teacher Alicia Gambetta. We hope you will enjoy reading Alicia’s story and mission.


Alicia Gambetta

Can you tell us something about yourself and your project?

My name is Alicia Gambetta Díaz. I dedicate myself to supporting people who wish to commit themselves to their health and well-being through group programs of stress reduction based on mindfulness, individual sessions of psycho-corporal therapy, coaching processes, movement groups, mindfulness and health workshops, yoga, and other similar techniques.

I got my education as a Mindfulness instructor for Stress Reduction in England, with the method and rigor of the program at the, Universidad de Massachusetts, United States, where the pioneer team of Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn is located.

I’ve also been trained as a Psycho-Body Therapist of the Rio Abierto system, in Coaching NLP, Reiki, Holistic Inclusion Facilitator, therapeutic accompaniment and Meditation for children.

If you are interested in learning more about mindfulness or how to learn how to reduce stress, you can visit my website www.aliciagambetta.com.

At Anda I have found a perfect place to hold my several week programs as well as my free sessions of practice. The participants often tell me that they are happy with the space; they feel good and comfortable in Anda’s meeting rooms.

When did you decide to join AndaCowork?

I was looking for a professional space that is cosy, bright and innovative. I hoped to find a space where I would feel comfortable inviting my clients, and where my clients would happily return to.

Luckily I found Anda and realised quickly that Anda is the perfect space for my project.

What opinion did you have when you first saw the space?

The sensation of spaciousness, luminosity, the taste for detail, neatness, warmth, and the welcome and helpful presence of Victoria, the CEO of Anda, were all motivations for me to become part of the space.

What do you like most about working at Anda?

I love working at Anda with my clients, not only because of the space, but also because of the quality and care of the people. Both Victoria and Dori are always available and find solutions to any kind of question or request. I feel supported in my project and this is vital for self-employed businesswomen like me, where work can be very lonely.

It’s very important for me to be able to create connections with other professional women who have a vision of the future and dare to try new opportunities.

In what way has AndaCowork influenced your business?

I believe that developing my project here has given me a new look on my work and it has given me to chance to get to know other interesting projects too. I feel like I’m part of a team that takes on new challenges together, with an open vision.

What are the advantages of having your workspace at AndaCoWork?

In addition to everything I mentioned before, advantages are the ease with which I work and the happiness of the people who attend my workshops.

What message would you send to people who are thinking of making use of a co-working space but are not yet decided?

If you are thinking of taking a next step in your professional career, joining Anda is a great decision. Working alone at home, in cafes or in public spaces can be very cool at first, but it becomes limiting when you really need to focus on your work and find other professionals to collaborate with on your project.

I think that Anda is a perfect space to develop your professional autonomy and be surrounded by other professionals and innovative ideas.

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