Imagine a situation like the one we have recently experienced in which art does not exist. Difficult, right?

Behind all the art that surrounds us, there are the people who create, the heroes of our time. Workers in the cultural and creative industry are undoubtedly those who have suffered the most during the crisis. In addition, I have noticed something really hard: in terms of official policies and measures, his work is hardly recognized.

To help workers in the cultural and creative industry in Europe, the European Network of Creative Centers ( has launched a study that will record in numbers the damage they have suffered and helped local governments and those who make policies in the EU to develop specific policies and aid mechanisms that reduce the negative effects of the crisis.

This study is part of the MAX project (Manufacturers Mobility Pilot Project, co-financed by the European Union and coordinated by the European Network of Creative Centers in association with Fab Lab Barcelona, ​​UPTEC and Makery). In this link, you can find more information:

The survey focuses on assessing the socio-economic situation of cultural and creative industry workers, their resilience and how they adapt. Cultural and creative industry workers are also encouraged to share whether they are satisfied with the measures implemented by the government and have any suggestions.

This is the link to the survey:

This study includes the 27 member states of the EU, the United Kingdom, Turkey, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ukraine and Moldova.

It concerns all sectors of the cultural and creative industry: Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Film / Audio / Video, Photography, Music, Fashion Design or Textile Design, Graphic Design, Product Design, Service Design, Advertising, Marketing and Communication , Software Development and Video Game Development, Research and Development, Performing Arts (Theater, Music, Dance), Visual Arts (Illustration, Sculpture, Painting), Media (TV, Radio, Press, Online Media), Literature, Editorial and Library Science, Creative Crafts, Creative Tourism, Museums and Cultural Heritage.

It is very important that this survey reaches all affected people and that they act. The survey will be open until August 31 and the results will be available in September.

Let’s design the best future policies among all!

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