The way we work is changing! With the development of technology and digital communication, more and more tasks can be executed online, which makes an office location for many unnecessary – and often an extra cost that can be avoided.

Every year more companies start to hire employees remotely, which – combined with a huge desire for freedom and travel opportunities for many, results in the growth of a large community of ‘digital nomads’ all over the world. Although numbers are hard to find, there have been predictions of huge growth. Pieter Levels spoke of an expected number of 1 billion digital nomads in 2035 and the Freelancers Union and Upwork, claim that in 2027 50% of the American workforce may be working as a freelancer.

Examples of popular digital nomad hangouts are – mostly because of the low cost of living and high quality of life – Bali, Indonesia, Colombia and Vietnam. All these places have been full of nomads and freelancers for years already and still attract more freelancers and remote workers every year. More recently however, the south of Europe has become popular too. Especially Lisbon and Barcelona are popular nomad hangouts, although relatively expensive. A cheaper and really beautiful destination, which has been growing in popularity quickly over the past years, is Granada.

Foto de <a href="">Dimitry B</a> en <a href="">Unsplash</a>

Granada is one of the most charming cities of Andalusia and offers a perfect combination of culture, history, city life and nature. The city has a fascinating history; Christian, Muslim and Jewish influences are still clearly visible all around the city.

In some neighborhoods you feel like you are in Morocco – which comes with the best shopping opportunities! The Alhambra palace is just magical and offers incredible views all over the city.

The more adventurous nomads can find beautiful mountains with numerous hiking trails and rock climbing walls all around the city, for great getaways in nature. The Sierra Nevada is only a short car (or bus) ride away, so in the winter you can easily go skiing or snowboarding too.

If you are on a budget, this city is perfect for you. Cost of living is low, you can rent a room for around 200 euro per month and a one bedroom for around 500 euros. Public transport and taxis are affordable too and for around 10 euro you can buy a meal and a drink at a restaurant.

So, what makes Granada a lovely place for digital nomads specifically? Well, all the above, but mostly the fact that the city is incredibly comfortable and affordable. You can find many beatiful coffee places with good WiFi all around the city, think of Café Baraka, Hostel Vita, I Need, D’Eti and Rincón del Chapiz. Also, Granada’s co-working spaces offer a comfortable desk, great community and perfect WiFi! Anda Cowork, for instance, loves to welcome digital nomads to their space and organises regular events for visitors and remote workers to attend.

Would you like to end your day with a nice drink and a snack? Granada is famous for its tapas culture. For around 2 euro you can buy a glass of wine, a beer or a famous spanish tinto de verano in one of Granada’s tapas bars, with a free snack.

The Granada digital nomad community has been growing quickly in the past years, with currently an active Facebook group, which allows people to feel home and included quickly.

See you in Granada!

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