1. Tell us about yourself and your work

My name is Guillermo;, I am head of the Sales Development department at a multinational food company. I am from Granada and my company is headquartered in Madrid, so I try to balance my professional life between both cities. In Madrid, I use the headquarters of my company to work from. On my working days in Granada, I use Anda Cowork as my workplace.

2. Your work is very interesting. Can you tell us what made you decide to start working in this field?

I’ve been working at this company for a long time already(since 1999, to be exact). Since then,both the company, and my role, have been evolving and adapting to changes.

3. When did you join Anda Cowork?

When my company in Granada moved to Madrid, I had to find space to stay productive in Granada, without having my company office available anymore. I started looking for a place that allow me to work with maximum comfort and concentration, while interacting with other people formeetings. Anda turned out to be the perfect solution, as the space has comfortable rooms, as well as a very professional atmosphere.

4. What opinion did you have the first time you came to space?

THE LIGHT … it’s amazing. The high ceilings (wooden, by the way, in superoriginal sheets ) and the large windows to the street, provide a huge amount of light all day.This makes the rooms a nice place to be (even if it is to work…). The combination of light, natural wooden furniture, and the green of multiple plants, makes (even) a long working day at Anda very pleasant.

5. What do you like most about working here?

Part I’ve already told you about a few of my favorite things, but I haven’t talked about the most important thing, yet: the people. Both Anda’s managers (Victoria and Dori), are very good people. They are always willing to “make it all easy” for you. They make Anda feel like home, with the one difference that all you have to think about is work. All the other things are already taken care of.

The rest of the coworkers, although varied in their interests and background, fit perfectly into the space. This allows us to interact/collaborate, share experiences in a relaxed way, share coffee/meals/breaks, or simply be in fullconcentration at our desks together. We make sure everyone can work without being disturbed, if that is necessary at times.

6. What are the advantages of having a workspace like Anda CoWork?

Oops, I think I’ve already told you… Especially availability. At Anda you can choose whatever works best for you. You can simply register your company at Anda’s address; you can book a fixed desk for your day to day work; have a discreet meeting with a client/supplier; organize a talk/training for groups of 10/15 people; give/receive language classes; organize a painting/photograph/craft exhibition; join yoga classes, etc., etc.

It seems incredible that a single space can be so versatile. By the way, speaking of versatility, you can do/organize any of those activities even during the weekend, if it is impossible for you throughout the week.

7. What message would you share with people who are thinking of moving a workspace to a coworking space, but are not yet decided?

Well, I’d tell them that working at a coworking space is a flawless experience.It combines the advantages of working from home, with those of working outside (which is great, especially now that we’ve been locked up so long).

At Anda, you are as safe as you are at home, while being able to socialize with coworkers when you need a break, or want to have a coffee and disconnect for a while. The cost are ridiculously low, if you compare them to how much(, and on what) we currently spend ourmoney. The relationship “Costs Anda”/”Received Value”, is one of the best I have ever seenat any level. To give an example: it costs less to have a meeting at Anda with several people (which can be vital for you to look professional during a meeting), with Wi-Fi, projector, air conditioning, etc., than to play a game of “pádel” with three friends.

Thank you, for making everything flow very easily at Anda, and for leaving the house every day, to go to work at a space like yours….

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