1. Can you tell us a little about yourself? Who are you and what do you do?

I’m Javi Fuentes, from Granada, in love with his land, sustainability and creativity. I am passionate about traveling, eating, meeting people and traditions.

I studied at the ETS of Building Engineering at the University of Granada, and there I chose to live the University from the inside. I was a very shy kid and I decided to do everything I could to change it, so I got involved in everything I could and I evolved a lot personally.

A few years ago I discovered the world of entrepreneurship by the hand of UGRemprendedora and began to bring to reality the projects that I had fluttering in my head.

Currently I do audiovisual projects and manage the communication of an area of the University of Granada called Alumni UGR, but the project that fills me the most is called Reviverdes, is like “my little boy”, I have made it grow little by little, with a lot of effort and creativity. Creating with my hands and giving life to materials that do not have it is something very nice.

2.Your work is amazing. Can you tell us what made you decide to start creating?

Actually, it’s something that has been in me since I was little. Anything that fell into my hands could be transformed into anything else, and above all, those things that were damaged or “broken” instead of taking them to the trash, I was always looking for something to turn them into to give them life again.

After training in the career, I learned about materials, structures, physics, resource management … and all that together with the tools that I had been given as an entrepreneur, made me able to create a project in which I turned all my creativity.

Creating decoration, lighting elements, pictures, … with recovered materials, is my way of contributing to the world my sustainable grain of sand. In one way or another I believe that we should all be doing that our environment and our actions are something good for us and for the planet.

3. Can you tell us something about the Meraki exhibition that Reviverdes will do next Tuesday 17th?

Well, we are looking forward to show you everything that will have the exhibition on Tuesday 17th at Anda Cowork!!!

This new collection reflects all the evolution of these years in reviverdes. We have taken the recovery of the materials we use to the maximum with a lot of creativity and vision of current trends.

In this new stage you will be able to find decoration ranging from coat racks made with molded spoons, floor lamps in the shape of a chandelier, our paintings of nails and threads, new products for our pets, and a long etcetera that we are eager for you to see!

And there will also be many new products that we will unveil that afternoon! Plus surprises for the attendees!!!

4. What made you decide to show your work at Anda Cowork?

I have known Victoria for a long time and I know that she is always supporting the entrepreneurs of Granada. Also, from the first day I joined Anda Cowork I saw that she shared many values with Reviverdes and I really wanted to be able to collaborate with this space someday.

So one day we met at a meeting in the BREAKER space of the UGR, I told him about my idea of doing an exhibition, it seems that we read each other’s minds and from that moment everything started to roll.

From Reviverdes we are looking forward to show you our new collection “Meraki”, which for now can only be seen in our online store, but physically, so you can see and touch all the details of our creations.

After this interview of the month to Reviverdes: We are waiting for you on Tuesday December 17 from 19:30 pm at Anda Cowork to enjoy a little time together!!!

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