A vegetable garden at home? or on the landing of the stairs? agriculture in the city?

This month we wanted to interview Nicolás Gemio because, together with other young people, they have a beautiful and revolutionary project, yes, revolutionary, because with small steps, their way of thinking, living and working is transforming Granada with Urban Green Club, urban gardens!

1. Tell us a little about yourself!

I grew up in the Zaidín neighborhood in Granada, although I’m not so granaíno because my family is from Seville and the Canary Islands. I’ve always considered myself a creative person and I’ve always liked to break the mold and challenge the status quo.

In my eagerness to try new things, in 2014 I participated in a campaign for the European Parliament elections, and as a result of that experience I developed the desire to have a positive local impact and to help citizens as much as I could to live better.

2. How did this green dream start?

It certainly started in Germany, on a farm in the middle of nowhere. When I turned 18 I went there to live as a volunteer and was lucky enough to participate in a Permaculture Design course that changed the way I saw the world. In addition, I learned things I had never tried before in my city life: composting, growing my own vegetables, and working with wood in a big way.

After this experience, I felt the responsibility to bring all of that here and give other people the opportunity to experience the garden in the city.

3. What is the mission of Urban Green Club?

Urban Green Club’s mission is to accelerate the ecological transition through urban gardens. In terms of environmental sustainability, the gap between where we are and where scientists and experts have warned us that we should be is too big. That’s why we need tools to help us make those lifestyle changes in a fun and easy way.

We have started with simple technologies such as growing containers and vermicomposting but we are working on other products that we will be launching to the market as the sophistication of garden users evolves.

4. Do you also believe that small changes make a difference?

Small changes make a difference! Sometimes we dismiss them because we fail to understand the serendipity and ripple effect of our actions.

One of my more carnivorous friends visited me for a few days while I was living away and, almost without either of us wanting it, he ended up trying – skeptically – some of the vegan dishes I cooked during his stay. Weeks later, he wrote me via whatsapp to recommend “new things” for his next visit to the supermarket. I was very amused and it is a small example that I will never forget about how our daily decisions have an impact beyond what we think.

5. What do you think is the habit/habits that we urgently need to change?

The first one I’m sure you already know – stop throwing away organic waste and start composting it at home!

This way we reduce the economic and environmental cost of the garbage collection service and, most importantly, we will get free fertilizer that we can use in our garden or pots. Which surely also motivates us to eat healthier and local. Everyone wins!

And as a second habit to change, I am going to propose a different one: to think that the objective of a company is to generate profit. According to the Spanish constitution and that of most democratic states, the main objective of any economic activity is to contribute to the Common Good. What happens is that we have forgotten it! That’s why we need to remember it, to encourage measures that reward purposeful companies in our society.

6. How do you look to the future?

In general, I look to the future with optimism. Being curious, I spend a lot of time researching all those organizations, movements and philosophies that are paving a better future for the species. It will not be without the occasional misstep with technology and globalization, but progress is visible.

Sometimes, although I am young, I also feel a kind of nostalgia for all that I dream of and will not get to see.

Thank you Nicolás, for looking at the world through your optimism and your zest for life!

Get to know their project here: https://www.urbangreenclub.es/ and follow them on social networks because they organize get-togethers and volunteering!

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