One of the main rules we have within the philosophy of Anda Cowork is that we are an enriching space for our community.

For that reason, in this blog, we would like to show you a bit of our essence by introducing you to Moka Comunicación, a team of great individuals working at Anda.

We hope you will enjoy meeting them and reading our interview of them month.

Please tell us something about you and your project

Talking about Moka Comunicación is not like talking about a particular person, a name, or just an ordinary company. Talking about Moka Comunicación is talking about a group of digital marketing and web development professionals in Granada with extensive experience in this new and complex field that has developed so much over the past years.

The original company was born out of collaboration between several freelancers and independent companies that worked together, as a collective, in projects that required different disciplines to achieve the success of their clients.

The expected results soon arrived and, after spreading the word within the business sector, they began to receive new projects and challenges that were ever more ambitious than ever before.

Today, Moka is one of the Web Development and Digital Marketing companies with the best reputation in our province and the greatest projection nationwide. They can be proud of having carried out projects at national and even international level. In fact, the International Management School, which is in the top 10 of international business schools, places Moka among the most important companies in Eastern Andalusia.

When did you decide to join Anda Cowork?

We decided to join Anda when we started to grow and got larger projects to work on. For these projects it was necessary to work side by side with all members of our team. To have these projects succeed we felt the urgent need to locate ourselves in one place, to be able to maximize our efforts. Anda turned out to be a nice and quiet place with a relaxed atmosphere, which allowed us to concentrate fully on our work activities.

What was your first impression of the place?

Our first impression couldn’t have been better! And we say this from the heart. The space is decorated with great taste, with a minimalist but at the same time cosy style. The work places are clean and offer everything you need for your optimal work performance. Also, we must mention the staff responsible for Anda’s management: Always attentive, flexible and offering their help so that you can grow professionally every day.

What do you like most about working at Anda?

Apart from being a perfect place to work? Easy. As we explained earlier, the Anda management is just great. They make the lives of the co-workers so much easier!
Victoria, who is responsible for the management of Anda, is a professional from head to toe. She never hesitates to offer you the best solution to any question that comes during your working day and even gets involved personally to help promoting your business. Sheunderstands perfectly that running a business is easier in a collaborative way – and actively promotes the connection between the different professionals and companies that are located at Anda.

On the other hand we have Dori, our Dori. Doriis responsible for the administrative side of Anda. And as we say, “vale pa tó, desde un roto a un descosío”. Having a listening ear on the work floor is essential for a good working atmosphere!

In what way has Anda Cowork influenced your business?

It has undoubtedly allowed our company to grow exponentially. We have met great professionals and even better people, from different professional branches.

Due to the collaborative environment that Anda offers, we have access to professionals from other business branches too. This allows us to know other projects, make inquiries, receive help from experts, all without a price.

On the other hand, on a personal level, it is very satisfying to be able to help other professionals in their day-to-day life, giving them help and advice on how to handle issues of our sector in the best way.

What are the advantages of having your workspace at Anda CoWork?

Since having Moka Comunicación at based at Anda, we have access to the facilities we had always wanted. We wanted our office to be different; no cubicles and separate spaces, an open place, where there are no differentiated hierarchies and which allows creating a multidisciplinary team that contributes its bit to each project. Our clients come and feel connected with each team member and feel that the whole company is involved with them and their project.

If we add to all of the above, what else can we ask for?

We are convinced that the sum of these 2 factors is the key to the success of Moka Comunicación.

What message would you send to people who are thinking of moving their job to a co-working space but haven’t yet decided?

Do not doubt it anymore. If you really want to take a leap in your professional career, settling in a space with the characteristics described above is the necessary basis to grow personally and professionally.

Not only doyou have to take into account the increase in performance, concentration, efficiency at work, you will also find the personal relationships necessary to practice any profession.

If you add the savings in costs compared to renting your own office space, there shouldn’t be any doubt left!

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