Today we chat with Margarita Puga, a reflexologist and teacher of this technique for 25 years. Over the years, she has not stopped training, acquiring knowledge about other healing practices such as metamorphic, Suyok, foot readings, reflexology and chakras, Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine, among many others.

This coming month, she will be with us in Anda on two occasions. First, on February 5 for a course on the metamorphic technique and will return the weekend of February 19 and 20, to teach a second course on foot reflexology. Through these ancestral practices, focused on massage, Margarita will tell us how to unload physical and emotional tensions through the feet, hands and head.

1. Tell us a little about yourself

In 1996 I left my past behind and came to Granada, starting a new life. I was offered the opportunity to teach Reflexology and that is how I started my path as a teacher. It was not easy to expose myself in front of a group, but little by little I gained experience and I was giving more level to my classes. I often asked my students what they thought of my classes, what they were looking for or needed to know, and it was in this way that by asking, listening and studying I grew in my profession.

2. How would you describe foot reflexology in your own words?

A Chinese proverb says, “I have two doctors who keep me healthy, my right foot and my left foot”. Taking care of our feet and taking care of them, we can bring health and wellness while strengthening our nervous, immune, respiratory, etc..

3. This is a little known topic, what are the benefits of knowing/sharing this technique in yourself?

The first message the body receives when we give it a massage is relaxation. Knowing how to apply it to yourself or to your friends and family will help you first to get to know your body better, and second to incorporate healing habits into your routine. In addition, these practices provide a relaxing effect, reduce pain, facilitate circulation and improve your immune system. Several authors, doctors and specialists consider foot reflexology as a vehicle for the prevention of our health.

4. What are the workshops for the next weekends going to be like?

In my courses we learn from the very first moment how to take care of our feet. Of course we practice a lot so that at the end you can apply what you have learned about this precious and ancestral practice. The workshop is divided into nine parts and we teach you how to treat all the most common health problems. You will learn how the body works and where to locate each of your organs. Once treated and learned, you will be able to get involved in your own well-being and that of others.

5. For a person who has never used this technique, what is the state of the feet?

The term reflexology comes from “reflex”, our whole body and system is reflected in the feet. For this reason they are very sensitive and reactive at the same time. Through this therapeutic technique we can relieve back pain, constipation or menstrual pain, for example.

6. What habits can we adapt to our routine to improve the health of our feet?

Care such as putting our feet in warm water with salt and a few drops of rosemary essence. Then, we apply a cream and put on some warm socks. This is a simple tip to sleep better and have a new walk.

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