One of the most frequent questions people ask themselves is who goes to a coworking space. Today, although the presence of these spaces is increasing, there are still many workers who do not know this option to work. That is why, in this post, we are going to summarize the different types or profiles of workers that you can find in a coworking space.

Profiles in a coworking space


As we all know, a freelancer is a person who is self-employed. Thus, without having their own office space, they decide to go to a coworking space. From there they can manage their daily work and attend to all their clients in a physical space using the meeting rooms set up for this purpose. They obtain autonomy and security to develop their work without the feeling of being out of place.


Freelancers are those who work independently and are dedicated to perform work autonomously offering specific services to third parties, participating and collaborating in multiple projects. In this way, they use the space to attend to their different activities. Some of our coworkers come to us to get an office space where they can concentrate and work on their projects. In addition, these spaces offer you the opportunity to organize events, which are fundamental activities for the development of the same.

Digital nomads

This is one of the profiles that have benefited the most from coworking spaces. These workers have projects without a fixed office or a specific activity sometimes. Their work is totally online and they require a stable Internet connection as well as a quiet space where they can attend calls or video calls. They are characterized because their stay in coworking spaces are temporary and change depending on the city they travel to.


This profile is similar to that of the self-employed. The difference is that they own their own company or idea and their office is established in the coworking space. One of the reasons is because of the flexibility in costs, an advantage to optimize them in the beginning of the business activity. They also use the space to have meetings with collaborators, as well as to host an event or workshop.

Remote workers

As it can be understood, these are people who work as employees for a company but work remotely. It is one of the labor novelties that has appeared in the last decade. The possibility of being able to work remotely for your company. Normally it is known that some days of the week the worker develops his activity from home but others do it every day. The reason is usually because they change home and, thanks to the development of technologies, they can continue their work remotely. For those who work remotely, a coworking space helps them to have colleagues, socialize, share and not feel nostalgic about going to an office because it offers all the benefits of it.


Although it is difficult to understand, many companies decide to locate in coworking spaces. The same is true for associations or foundations. As with entrepreneurs, they make the typical expenses of a company, such as rent and bills, more flexible and optimized. In this case, sometimes the coworking space needs a large enclosed space to accommodate the company’s team. Normally these companies are small and do not exceed 10 workers, although we are beginning to see larger companies or departments of companies using these spaces, to nurture their dynamism and diversity.

As you can see, the profiles that work in a coworking space are very varied. You can take a look at our Community to know some of the companies and workers that are with us.

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